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Oral Probiotics

Complete Health Dentistry of Columbus

Oral Probiotics

Research / Articles

Oral Care Probiotics Supplement Overall Health Practices

Dental Products Report - April 2020

Lisa F. Mallonee, M.P.H., RDH, RD, LD


"The findings linking oral and systemic bacteria are helping to shift the paradigm of dentistry from curative to preventive. This approach may offer life-changing benefits for patients, especially those with potential risk for heart disease."

ProBiora Health reports that probiotics aren't just for the gut anymore

PR Web - June 2020


"New studies substantiate the effectiveness of oral-care probiotics to maximize teeth and gum health."

Proactive Dentistry With Probiotics Improves Oral Health

Inside Dentistry - January 2020

Samuel B. Low, DDS, MS, MEd


"Oral care probiotics repopulate and replenish the gums and teeth with beneficial bacteria to maintain a healthy bacterial balance."

Retrospective Review of Oral Probiotic Therapy

The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry - 2019

Mark L. Cannon, DDS, MS


"The tested probiotic supplements had a statistically significant effect on the caries experience of the enrolled subjects."

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